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Mandebe (Mandebe)

This is an abbreviation of "mansion developer." Needless to say, a developer refers to any company involved in the business of increasing value through land development and building construction. They are sometimes simply called "developers." Among them, companies that specialize in the construction of condominiums are called "mandebe." In the real estate industry, the term often refers to companies involved in the development of one-room apartments for investment purposes.


Mysoku (Mysoku)

A drawing that compiles details of a property for sale or rent, as well as a photo of its exterior, on a single sheet of paper.
It is commonly used by both businesses and financial institutions. There are several theories about its origin.
Example of usage: "I want you to send my MySock first."


At Conspirit, we hold seminars and webinars as [learning content] in order to bridge the "information gap" between customers and real estate companies. Please experience the [learning content] provided by a management company that is a professional in operation and asset value maintenance.

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We accept all inquiries regarding rental management, sales appraisals, and real estate. After applying, we will contact you.

Regarding real estate management and real estate investment
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